I got through school.
I got a great job.
I met the love of my life.
Am I good enough?
I bought a house.
I got a promotion.
I ignore what matters.
Am I good enough?
I work late nights.
I won some awards.
My wife cries a lot.
Am I good enough?
Am I a good worker?
Am I a good husband?
Am I a good person?
Am I good enough?
One of the issues in working in a hyper-critical, subjective field like advertising is you constantly question aspects of your life. As if they were projects, as if you’re being judged. It sometimes feels silly to question your success. And when you do, sometimes the truth is that you got lucky, or you fell into something good. This is fine. This is life. Take it, but don’t take it for granted. And if you ask yourself this question constantly, remember, the answer is, “Yes.”